Your Worthy Glory

Your Worthy Glory


We Miss The Nudge

When Life Works

It’s All Abuzz

When We Wall 

It Gets A Bit Hard

Strangers Together

The Music Loud

Spirits Clash

Not The Same

Only Gods Spirit

Can Keep Us Tame

Do We Live For Glory ?

How Shallow The Thought !

We Should Give It 

To Almighty God Above

Peace Will Come

The Hearts Connect

The Spirits – The Same

When God Gets It

All Glory To God

For When We Are Apart

From Our Bodies Now

With God We Start

Start Praising Him

For All Things

See The Problems

Are Key Rings

We Go Through Life

Absorb The Blows

Grow And Conquer

Give God Glory Foes !

Don’t Be His Enemy

Don’t Wait To Steal Glory

Believe In Him

See His Real Story

rKw Jr 26.07.21

Robert Kelly Born 1965

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