Worship The Warship

Worship The Warship

Lured Away

The Eyes See

The Mind Affixes

The Appetite Glee

The Heart Afloat

The Desire Great

The Apple Tempting

Surrender Complete

Never To Satisfy

The Problem Unveiled

Our Hearts Are Deceived

We Miss The Big Deal

The Big Idea

Is Smaller Than Air

The Greater Cause

Finding God Somewhere

Lift Him Up

Above All Your Glances

He Gives Back

More Than Chances

Nothing Satisfies

Like Jesus Christ

God The Father

The Spirit, Thrice

Three in One

Such A Dynamic

The Love So Fulfilling

A Tug To The Titanic

Lasting Forever

Satisfying Now

The Pleasure Developed

Sow, Reaped, Plowed

Your Heart Remembers

The Greatness Occuring

The Life Everlasting

The Love Ever Stirring

Better Than Temptation

Worship Not The Creation

He Is Our Warship

Conquering Every Nation

rKw Jr 01.10.21

Robert Kelly b. 1965

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