Worldly Smarts

Worldly Smarts

Today A Day

He Could Be Here

In A Flash, A Twinkle

We May Disappear

Salvaged At Last

The Last Is First

Slandered By Many

The Cure Is To Thirst





The Lord Is God

He Is Good

He Is Coming

To All He Would

Desire Him

Seek His Face

Seek Wisdom

The Bible’s Place

Education Today

Is Only True

If It Brings To Stay

Jesus Holy Wood

Ignorant Of The Cross

Not Knowing Truth

Missing Out Of Life

Eternally For You

The Rapture 

An Event To Behold

They Will Know

He Is The Show

Yet Lies Will Replace

The Amazing Event

A Dazzling Ruse

Will Be Taught Instead

A Powerful Delusion

Of Air And Fire

Will Cause Those Hating

Jesus To Expire

They Will Sell

Their Souls To Go

Then Hell Will Seal

Their Fate Below

So Acquaint Yourself

With The Bible

See The Good News

Your Spiritual Revival

Born Again

Born Of The Spirit

Born Of Heaven

The Saved Deposit

True And Now

Placed In Your Account

Salvation For Free

The Roundabout

rKw Jr 21.09.21

Robert Kelly b 1965

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