Winning At Work

Winning At Work
Photo by Lê Minh on

Work – the Place We Must Face

The Life There Shapes the Mind

We Fit Our Values to the Ladder

Wonder What We Will Find

A Chance of Hope

If We Can Only Win

Take Chances – Grow Chin

Nose Longer – Chagrined

Anything it Takes

Anything We’ll Do

Make It To the Top

Come See Me, You

Can’t Keep a Good Man Down

The Life Work of His Hands

He Will Rise Above 

The World of Money and Plans

We Win We Lose

We Bounce Around

We Try a Different Field

Problems Compound

Even At Top 

Even With Prestige

Even With Money

We Cannot Cure the Disease

Man Is Fallen

He Forgets the Ditch

It’s Dug In The Valley

Just For His Twitch

How Blind

How Careless

How Stupid

How Thoughtless

The Life We Live

It’s About Time We Say

It’s Final End

So Important Today

Why Wait to Consider?

Why Wait to Learn?

Why Wait to Wait?

And Never Sojourn

Travel in Time

To The Very Beginning

Find Out How God

Redeems Us – Winning

Jesus Worked For Us

He Does Good Now

He Is the Good Man

Cannot Keep Him Down

Don’t Have To Work For Heaven

We Get In For Free

A Great Gift For Sinners

The Work Of God Is To Believe

rKw Jr 10.05.21

Poet Robert Kelly Jr
b 1965

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