Where Churches Misread The Bible

Where Churches Misread The Bible
Photo by Jill Burrow

A Child Has Faith

We Can Bet

He Never Heard

Of Word Repent

He Is Saved

Born Again

Believing In 

The Gentleman

Yet Is God So?

A Gentleman

Who Violates Never

Free Will Consent?

Paul Knocked Down

Blinded And Stunned

A Gentleman God

Was The One

Did He Possess 

Free Will That Day?

When He Fell

From Horse Play?

A Childlike Faith

One Must Require

Repenting Just Means

Consider Jesus No Liar

He Said He Is Lord

Claimed Diety

God of Jews Et. Al.

King To Always Be

rKw Jr 15.06.21

Robert Kelly Poet b 1965

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