What’s Up?

What’s Up?

Destiny’s Child

We Are All One

Did You Realize

What’s Begun?

Eternal Beings

Created Forever

The Soul Born

Hell or Heaven

Born Twice 

Born From Above

The Spiritual Life

Neglect Or Love

Believe And See

Taste And Know

Sense His Presence

Feel A New Role

You Are His

Eternally Chosen

Decreed Before

The World Was Stolen

Satan The Stealer

The Liar And Cheat

Yet All Things Work

For God Indiscreet

The Day Will Show

All Will Confess

Jesus Is Lord

Forget Satan’s Best

Glory To Glory

Glory To God

He Is He

Win, Place or Fraud

rKw Jr 29.01.22

Robert Kelly

b. 1965

A Christian Poet

We are God’s Workmanship

We Are God’s Poem

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