What’s Better Than Oil?

white and pink gasoline station near ocean
Photo by Harrison Haines on Pexels.com

Oil – Petro

Young Ones Say Bomb

Cheap Organic

Non Toxic – The Norm

Without It

We Don’t Eat

The Tech Is Here

Future Shock – Greet

For If We Switch

A Trillion Dollar Economy

There Is No Way

We Will Find Recovery

The Cause To Shift 

Also Dubious

But The Shift Alone

Is Rather Gratuitous

A Longer Shot

I Do Not Know

It’s So Ridiculous

A Diabolical Show

A Power Grab

Too Eliminate Humanity

A Genocide

To Destroy Tranquility

Population Expansion

The Supposed Great Threat

No Consulting Ever Of God

Man Centered Madness Bet

The Best Laid Plans

Of Mice and Men

Both Go Awry

Green Demended

Bankrupt The World

Enforce Compliance

Yet India And China

Laugh in Defiance

Oil Is Plentiful

It is Cheap

It’s Not From A Dinosaur

Fossils Are A Heap

The Earth Produces Oil

Does So Naturally

We Reap the Benefit

World Greased – God Willingly

A Gift From God

To Supply Our Needs

Oil’s Is Greatest –

Overlooked Remedy

He Gives Us Air

Free From Above

Plants Trees Around

That Reciprocate Love

We Overlook The Body

The Life We Live Foiled

We Take For Granted God

Soil to OilDon’t Boil

rKw Jr 13.05.21

Poet Robert Kelly
b 1965

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