What Time Is It?

What Time Is It?

The Time Is Coming

Perhaps Today

Perhaps The Calendars

Have Also Been Swayed

Josephus Showed

The New Year Starts

The Sun, New Moon

Reached Aries Chart

After The Equinox

The Time Commenced

The Year And New Moon

All Began Again

Today Our Calendars

Throw It Off It Seems

Only Correct Showing

70% Of Time Clean

Daniel Spoke 

Of The Times And Law

Being Altered By Satan

The Tricks of His Jaws

The Real Feast Of Trumpets

October 7-9

2021 The Year

Is Jesus Nigh?

Israel Alloted From 1948

2028 The 80 Year

From 1948

The Timing So Dear

The Last Seven Years

May Begin Soon

October 7 Could Be

The Rapture Swoon

Revelation 3

Says We Should Be Alert

We Can Know the Day

And the Hour First

So Get Ready 

The Return May Be Feared

The Rescue of The Church

The End May Be Near

rKw Jr 15.09.21

Robert Kelly b. 1965

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