What Salvation Isn’t

We Try To Live Good Lives

We See – We Are Noble

We Look Again And Notice

We Are Full of Foibles

The Fall Has Occurred

It Has Left Us Deceived

Yet When We Hear Of Salvation

We Don’t Get On Our Knees

Pride is The Offense

Preventing Us From Knowing

How We Need A Savior

And That Our Sin is Showing

In Our Grey Hair

Or Rotten Teeth

In Our Wrinkle Faces

Or Deep Inside Our Feet

We Are Fading Slow

Yet Surely We Will Go

Our Bodies Will Never Last

Yet Jesus Changes To Everlast

Once We See Our Need

To Really Think Again

We Will Know The True Meaning

Of Jesus, Salvation and Repent

For Repentance is Rethinking

It’s Right There in The Greek

So Don’t Let Someone Tell You

You Need To Rid Your Drink

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