What Fame?

What Fame?

The Glory Found

Elusive To Grasp

We Keep An Eye

The Past Is Dashed

We Come Close

We See An Angle

We Take A Step

Willing Achiever

We Strive To Find

The Glory Of Fame

Yet Will It Provide

To Bring Us A Name?

The Fame From Heaven

Far Rising Above

Anything Under

The Glowing Rotunda

The Earth Is Fading

The Land Reserved

For Fire And Destruction

The Enemies Deserve

Why Live Your Life

For Their Approbation?

Why Not Spend It

In God’s Manifestation?

We Are Created

To Live Forever

Redeemed In Love

Glorified Fame Together

Famous In Heaven

Known To All Parties

Praised By God

For Living As Martyrs

Sacrificing Wealth

And Selfish Desire

Living For Him

The Best High Wire

He Is Worthy

To Be Praised

Saving Us Today

The Only Fame Game

rKw Jr 23.09.21

Robert Kelly b 1965

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