Weather Woken

Weather Woken

The Day Breaks

The People Emerge

The Weather Startles

Our Very Nerve

We Weather Storms

Yet Still Go On

The Weather This Day

All – It’s Done

How Our Pride Plans

It Boasts A Bit

Yet Takes A Bow

When Weather Spits

Rain – They Run

Snow – They Hide

Wind – They Duck

Weather Never Lies

It Changes Days

Should Be A Reminder

We Are Not Sovereign

But There Is A Provider

He Is Sovereign

He Whips Up A Storm

Saved Washington Once

Across The Sea Performed

The Fog Rolled In

The Army Was Cornered

The British Hesitated

By Morning No Longer

The Lord Is Remembered

For All Generations

His Power Crushes

The Enemies Of His Favor

rKw Jr 19.07.21

Robert Kelly Born 1965

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