Vaccine Insurance

Vaccine Insurance

Fully Vaxed

Fully Insured

Yet We Get

Another Cure

Premium Paid

No Rider Found

No Deposit

Guaranteed Return

Heaven Secured

Door Opened

Whosoever Rush Through

Safety Hoping

More Shots

Come Forth

The Next One Needed

Didn’t Tell Before ?

Oh Just Trust 

We Know What’s Best

You Take The Time

We Will Take Your Bet

You Bet Your Life

It’s Now In Our Hands

Time Is Narrowing

Our Window Span

The Days Taught

To Us Numbered

By Him Who Counts

The Life Asunder

Trust In Him

Others Hide

Keep Him Thin

The Volumes Cry

Four Gospels Shout

They Do Declare

The God Is Above

All Chaos Here

So Take A Shot

Hit Me With Best

The God Of Gods

Deserves A Chance

Insurance Covered

All Risks Known

Heaven Opens

Mourning Has Grown

Yet Hell Closes

To Those Of Him

In Christ We Stand

The Day Begins

Live Forever Free

Glorified In Time

New Body – New Life

The Rescued Crime

rKw Jr 08.08.21

Robert Kelly Born 1965 –

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