Underlying Lessons

Underlying Lessons

The Days To Remember

The Solace of September

Facing School 

Alone With Fools

We Were So Smart

Don’t Tell Us Not

We Know Everything

So Just Love Us

Love Went Missing

It Was Never There

High School Sweetheart

Leveled With Despair

We All Were In Love

With Our Bright Futures

All Were To Know

We Are The Troopers

But A Day Here

A Moment There

We See Ourselves

Beyond Repair

We Turn To Anything

To Forget And Avoid

The Pitfalls Of Life

Inevitably Annoyed

Those Days Of Humility

Bring Much Honor

When We Turn To Him

We Win To Discover

Growing With God

Learning The Truth

The Best Education

The Only Real Sleuth 

Let Everyone Present

The Causes And Concerns

See What’s Left

Then Decide To Discern

Sift The Lies

See The Dilemma

Life Fades Fast

But Souls Remember

The Body Weakens

The Soul Strengthens

Showing The Need

For Ultimate Redemption

rKw Jr 19.01.22

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