Two Promises

Two Promises

Promises Given

We So Know

Best Intentions

Always Aglow

We Often Care

So Much To Say

A Promise Surely

We Give Today

When We Promise 

The Surety Bonded

The Fulfillment Often

Never Is Mounted

A Promise Of God

Varies In Kind

Varies In Fulfillment

Always Done In Time

Unilateral Contract

He Upholds

Salvation Provided

His Blood Molds

Sealing the Deal

Ownership Binded

By The Spirit

Faith Surely Timeless

We Have All Been Hurt

By Unfulfilled Promises

And Often Assume

God Will Tomorrow Us

So Consider The Two

And Do Not Smear

A Promise Broken

Versus God’s Care

Salvation Is Free

Available Right Now

Easy To Believe

The Promised Vow

rKw Jr 04.12.22

Robert Kelly

A Christian Poet

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