Twisting Christians

Twisting Christians

Change Your Mind

It’s Something We Do

Renew Your Mind

With God In View

See Him Clearly

As Evidently Present

Acknowledge Him Dearly

As The God Of Events

Salvation Comes

We Are Drawn

The Father Beckons

The Son Crowns

The Holy Spirit 

Testifies And Leads

He Guides And Shows

Why Jesus Bleeds

We Learn From God

All Our Lives

Yet To Come In Faith

Supernaturally Divine

God Is The Author

The Perfecter Of Our Faith

He Places A Deposit 

In Our Souls To Wait

The Resurrection Possible

Because Of His Ownership

We Are His Claim

The Best Known Dealership

He Made A Deal

He Paid It All

He Takes Our Sin

And By Faith We Fall

We Bow And Worship

Take Off Our Crown

Place It Before Him

The Lord Of Renown

Our Bodies Like His

We Have Glory

To Show The Ages

Of God’s Rich Mercy

Repentance Is Simply

Believing In God

Synonymous With Faith

Not Found In Gospel Of John

The Most Evangelical Gospel

John Doesn’t Mention

Repentance Even Once

So Don’t Make It A Weapon

The Enemy Loves

To Distort The Gospel

Don’t Help Him Church

For We Are Not Well

Ninety Nine Percent Of Christians

Miss The Meaning And Live

A Duplicitous Life Of Faith

With Law Mixed In

This Is Straight Error

The Deepest Heresy

Paul Would Wish Emasculating

For Such Church Parsing

rKw Jr 018.11.22

Robert Kelly

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