Twist And Shout

Twist And Shout

Decisions Of Life

Small And Great

We Often Plod

Not Considering Fate

One Day Comes

Another Season Commences

School Bells Ring

Our Lives In Session

Taught And Told

How To Believe

What To Measure

All To Deceive

We Think We Possess

Wisdom And Grace

All Pride Based

School No Less

The Relationships

The Good Times

The Dance Parties

All Are So Fine

Yet We Feel Empty

No Life Can Quench

Relationship With God

Church On Bench

Develop Spiritually

The Dynamic Dimension

Nothing Can Replace

Learning God’s Extension

He Is The Teacher

He Is Wisdom

He Will Crush

All The Intelligensia

Remember Your Creator

Your First Love

Find Him Above

Here Down Below

Cultivate Nurture

Sidestep The Heresies

Lordship Salvation Trick

Free Will Controversy

Sifting Through Evil

Truly Becoming Free

Requires Solid Dispensation

Dividing Respectfully

The Word Of God

Is Easily Twisted

Divide It With How

God Deals Double Fisted

The Open Hand Today

The Vengeance Tomorrow

The Kingdom Offered

Rejected In Sorrow

Today Is The Day

The Church Age Present

Denominationally Broken

Yet Salvation Imminent

Believe And Be Saved

The Only Message

Repent A False Term

An Age Vestige

Perhaps Better Known

As Rethink Jesus

So Don’t Be Confused

By The Pushers Insistence

Nothing Surpasses

Nothing Matches

All Things Pale

To God Your Master

Soaring Above

With God And His Wings

Growing And Growing

Finding You’re Free

Once Blossoming And Free

The Church May Just

Share The Gospel

Finally All At Once

rKw Jr 11.02.22

Robert Kelly b 1965

A Christian Poet

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