Truth Tops Knowledge

cutouts of letters
Photo by Magda Ehlers on

Ascertaining Knowledge Is One Thing

Ascertaining Truth Is Another

We Love To Flex Our Minds

Yet Do We Have Agenda Other?

It’s All About Glory

It’s All About Love

Make Myself Look Good

I Will Get Both Rubs

But While Knowledge Is Handsome

While Knowledge Is Satisfying

To Never Acknowledge Truth

Is Akin To Lying

We Do Ourselves A Disservice

We Do Ourselves Harm

We Just Care About Maximizing

Our Wisdom – Knowledge Charms

But What Good Is Knowledge?

If You Don’t Know What’s True

What Is The Epic Quadmire?

We All Are Facing Unto – Reduced

It’s All About One Thing

It’s All About Being

As Shakespeare Said

“To Be or Not To Be” Fleeting

If We Live 

If We Die

What Questions Asked?

We Forget and Sigh

We Don’t Want to Know

We Don’t Want to Learn

Knowledge is Here

For Anyone To Discern

Pick Up The Bible

Rememember Your Creator

Learn it’s Good News

Not A Mash Potato

You Can Forget Much Knowledge

You Can Forget Names

But If You Acknowledged Truth

You Found The Greatest Fame

All Knowledge Will Pass

The Intellegence Crushed

So Find The God Who Loves

The Underlying Deed A Must

rKw Jr 15.05.21

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