Trusty Bookends

Trusty Bookends

Divine Symmetry

The Best There Is

When It Involves 

Your Next of Kin

The Only Way

To Be In Heaven

Is To Be Perfect

Holy And Forgiven

We Need A Credit

We Cannot Achieve

A Free Deal Warranted

All To Believe

The Credit Of Righteousness

Abraham Given

We Are Children 

Of His Great Decision

Abraham Readied

Isaac To Sacrifice

God Could Raise

His Only Son Twice

Blessed By Faith

We Now Stand Credited

Seen As Righteous

Despite Our Demerits

This Is Done

Simply By Our Faith

We Need A Measure

To Make Us Great

Grateful We Are

The Mercy Granted

All Becoming So

Due To His Planning

He Made The Way

So Simple To Know

Just An Assent or Confession

To His Majestic Hold

He Is Sovereign 

He Is King

He Is Our Savior

Coming To Spring

Spring Us From Prison

The Darkness Surrounds

The Hopeless Plight

Of Death’s Impending Sound

The Sound of Silence

The Worm Will Feast

The Body Dissolves

Rots In A Heap

The Soul Goes On

The Journey Continues

We Are Rescued

Symmetrically No Ruse

Faith Certified

Examined By Many

The Founder Of Harvard Law

Pronounced The Resurrection Steady

The Main Event

Could Be Proven In “Any U.S. Court

By Using “Eyewitness Testimony

The Testimony of the Evangelists – His Book

rKw Jr 05.09.21

Robert Kelly Born 1965 –

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