Trusting Someone Mightily

Trusting Someone Mightily

David Looked Up

He Saw The Mighty Angel

Standing In The Air

Between Heaven and Earth

The Sword Drawn

The Damage Inflicted

Jerusalem Leveled

The Angel So Quickened

Why David Counted His Men

He Did Out of Fear

Tempted By Satan

The Implication Severe

He Showed He Trusted

Not God At All

He Upset His Faith

And Fell To The Ground Hard

Gad The Seer

Reported From God

Said You Have Three Choices

Famine, Sword or The Lord

He Chose The Lord

Why Fall Into Man’s Hand?

The Angel Came Down

Sword Drawn – He Stands

Destroying People

Calamity Abound

The City Of Jerusalem

Under Siege on Ground

God Relented

He Saw The Great Pain

He Said To David

Build A Temple of Reign

The Temple Plan of David

Fulfilled By Solomon’s Might

On The Threshing Floor

Of Araunah The Jebusite

We Need To Trust God

Through All Our Gifts

Don’t Worry About Not

Having What’s Best

Walk With Him

Stay Close At Heart

Keep Confessing Sin

A Very Good Start

Grow And Learn

Live and Love

Learn To Live

With God Above

rKw Jr 26.08.21

Headshot 2014
Robert Kelly Born 1965 –

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