Trapped In Stockholm

Trapped In Stockholm
Copyright: aliaksandrantanovich

Trappings The Glue

The Food of Riders

Jockeying In Life

Positioning Fighters

The Trap Laid

The Payoff Promoted

Pushed And Pulled

Blind To The Notion

Deceiving The Deceived

The Whole World Remains

Lost In A Maze

Die Hopelessly In Vain

The Trappings Become

The Only Recourse

For Justifying Existence

It Cannot Be Worse

Finding Selfish Gains

The Best or Better 

A Performance Given

A Hobby Bender

Why Bother To Glory

How Worthy Is It

When Self Cannot Save

The Eternal Beckons

A Gentleman And Lady

Grace And Aplumb

All Good Intentions

Paves Hell’s Fun

The Glory Of Self

Will Never Last

For It Fades Faster

Than A Blade of Grass

rKw Jr 05.12.22

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