This Haunted House

This Haunted House

Echoes of Past

Haunt and Taunt

The Life To Grasp

Overcome By Want

Satisfaction Close

Elusive To Know

Coming So Fast

Going So Slow

The Reputation Marred

The Future Is Muddled

The Past Shadows Tall

The Opportunities Fizzles

Demons Activate

They Fall Into Line

A Soldier, An Enemy

The Warfare Sublime

We Are Cornered Here

We Are Pushed There

The End Seems Close

The Day So Unfair

Yet Hope And Victory

Despair Aside

Even Though Pained

The Truth Resides

The Journey Long

The Struggle Fierce

All To Show Us

We Need Him Dear

Call Out In Faith

We Believe So Much

Yet Do We Believe

In The Holy Ghost?

He Is Our Comforter

He Leads and Guides

He Protects – Guarantees

You Will Survive

He Is A Witness

To Our Future

He Points To Jesus

The Suffering Servant

He Rose – Defeated

After All His Trials

He Said We Would Suffer

Similarly In These Times

Do Place Your Perspective

Under The Biblical Prism

Otherwise You Will Hide

And Never Live In Wisdom

rKw Jr 30.08.21

Robert Kelly Born 1965 –

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