This God’s For You

This God’s For You
Photo by Владимир Васильев

No Greater Love

A Man Has Is This

To Lay Down His Life

For His Enemies List

God Has Gone

The Extra Mile

Extended Himself

Enduring Smile

He Endured The Cross

Scorning It’s Shame

For Joy Before Him

He Gladly Came

A Husband Lays Down

A Jewel And Gem

The Wife Is His Crown

The Life Never Ends

Jesus Is The Husband

The Believers His Bride

All Will Be Saved

He Rescues Our Plight

Motivated To Please

He Knew What We Needed

He Knows We Are Dust

The Lost And Conceited

But He Draws Us Out

He Humbles Our Pride

We Forget Not To Shout

We Are Gratefully Spied

He Cares About His

He Prays For Them

Not The Whole World

But A Raptured Gem

The Spirit Reveals

The Truths Foretold

Deaf, Dumb, Blind

We Think We Are Gold

But To Ignore God

Is Not Education

Intelligence Lost

Crushed Gestation

Don’t Waste Your Life

And Follow The Blind

Born Again A Must

In Bible, Life – Find

How Can It Be?

Thought Of As Bad

Yet That’s Precisely

The World’s Rag

Free – Drink Today!

Salvation Right Here

Cross Over – Live

Eternally No Fear

Trained We Are 

Too Good To Be True

God Himself Crucified

The Best For You

rKw Jr 14.06.21

Robert Kelly Poet b 1965

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