The Wrinkle

The Wrinkle
Copyright: rolffimages

Project The Creation

The Worldly Gestation

School All Furnished

School So Finished!

Finished Minted

The Graduate Bows

The Last First

Stages Are Endowed

Sifting Growing

Suffering In Vacuum

Learning Reading

Remembering The Tomb

All Education Vectored

Whistles By Dust

We Are Vapors

A Mist To Bust

The Best And Brightest

May Never Learn

Life Here Is Meaningless

The Soul Does Yearn

What Does It Profit

To Gain Anything

If Soul Stays Dead

How Can It Rise Again?

The Born Again Person

Soul Alive

Spirit Lives

The Body Dies

We Will Be Changed

In A Twinkle, Twinkle

The Eyes Have It

The Eternal Wrinkle

Learn While You Can

See The True Deed

The Wrinkle To Success

Begins On Knee

Pride Prevents

Age Succumbs

Life A Regret

Smart But So Dumb

rKw Jr 010.10.22

Robert William Kelly American Poet b1965 – born again 1993

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