The Worthy Lure

The Worthy Lure
Photo by Elianne Dipp

Is There Anything To Say?

Anyone Worth Anything?

Anyone Of Value?

Anyone, Anywhere Sing?

What Is Your Song?

What Is Your Melody?

What Is Your Message?

What Is Your Remedy?

Is It Just A Ruse?

Pretending To Be Useful

Stooping To A Charade

Raining On Parades

Do You Really Care?

Or Are You In It For Lust?

Lust of The Money?

Or Sex, Self And Drugs?

The Life We Live

Is Better To Know

If We Just Fake It

We Fool Only Yo

We Settle For Cash

Whatever The Method

Yet Work Is Not Always

The Better Buttered Bed

Work Should Bring More

Than A Steady Paycheck

It Should Encompass

All Your Hidden Kodaks

Better Than A Memory

A Frozen Framed Photo

Better Than A Click

Is God’s Slow Mojo

Steady As He Goes

He Carries Us Through 

All Dark Paths Lit

One Step For You

A Giant Leap For Man

The Outer Universe

The Rapture The Plan

No One Can Reverse

The Plan I Have For You

Is Written In The Decrees

Heaven’s Welcome Interlude

Ages To Come Tease

We Will Be Ruling

Kingdom Of Priests Soon

Judging Even Angels

The Devil Is Doomed

For God Is Worthy

Beyond Anybody, Anyone

Beyond Every or Anything

Our Live’s Just Begun

rKw Jr 10.06.21

Robert Kelly Poet b 1965

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