The Worst Sinner Ever

The Worst Sinner Ever
Photo by Todd Trapani

When We Believe

A Miracle Occurs

Something Supernatural

The World Disturbed

The Grip Loosened

The Sentence Commuted

Out Of Jail Free

To Heaven Rerouted

When We Believe

All That Is Needed

Justified By Faith

Paul’s Lasting Greeting

He Was A Murderer

Complicit In Conspiracy

Persecuting Many

For Believing In History

A Man Who Was Zealous

For The Law Of His Race

Yet Missing The Fact

Jesus We Embrace

As Proverbs Asks

Who Is God’s Son?

Not Only The Father

But The One To Come

Paul The Example

Of God’s Deep Grace

Forgiving A Killer

A Man Disgraced

Lost – Lonely – Loser

Paul Thought He Won

God Stepped In

Blinded Him – Done!

A New Man Emerged

Paul Now Believed

He Was Used The Most

Of Anyone – Any Country

He Was Stoned, Shipwrecked

Whipped Many Times

But Kept On Sharing

The Good News Refined

He Was Strong

By His Weakness 

The Thorn In Flesh

Power Perfection

“Worst Of All Sinners

He Called Himself

Grace Now Understood

A Clean Bill of Health

Seen Now As Perfect

Because of The Sacrifice

Because He Believed

His Will God’s Heist

God’s Word Went Forth

Freed The Will

After Hearing

His Deadness – Lives

Lost But Found

Lonely But Comforted

Loser But Winner

The Cross Trumpeted

Anyone Now

Can See Themselves Able

Knowing Paul’s Depravity

Spirit – Salvation – Enabled

rKw Jr 01.07.21

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