The Word From Our Sponsor

The Word From Our Sponsor

One Word

From An Official

Allows A Ruling

Without A Whistle

One Word

From A Judge

Allows A Scoundrel

To Be Just Fudge

One Word

From God

It Is Life

Heaven Comes

The Source Of Power

Changes The Meaning

Words Are Life

IF God Is Teaching

His Word Goes Forth

From His Mouth

Not Returning Void

His Will Is Done

One Word Can Save

Its All We Need

Maybe The Name

Jesus Will Read

The Word Is Sharper

Than Any Two Edge Sword

Yet We Are Taught

To Ignore It In Life’s Tour

Yet Give It A Chance

You Will Surely See

The Word Is Life

We Can Be Free

It Is For Freedom

The Christ Sets Us So

Sets Us To Be Free

The Gospel To Know

Believe And Be Saved

Grace Amazingly True

The Bible Verifiable

So Don’t Be Fooled

Alexander The Great

Provided A Benchmark

For World To See

But Scholars Are Bushwacked

Today Lost Not Found

Pastors Don’t Mention

This Amazing Occurance

The Old Testament 

Translated Into Greek

Years Before Christ

But Attesting The Messiah

Would Be Born Alright

In Bethlehem Micah

Out Of Egypt Hosea

Objectively Obvious

Galilee Isaiah

The Gospel Slandered

Before We Even Read

Yet It Provides Freely

Eternity To Believe

Oblivious To Obvious

Immoral To Immortal

The Scales Removed

The Soul Remedial

rKw Jr 18.01.22

Robert Kelly b 1965 A Christian Poet

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