The Wise Will Understand

The Wise Will Understand
Copyright: bryljaev

Wisdom A Mystery

Can It Be Found?

Timeless Friend

Beyond The Ground

Above The Fray

Dancing Along

Singing A Melody

Shouting A Song

The Source Trusted

A Grief Absorbed

Helplessly Lost

The Moment Blurred

Hope Springing

A Glimpse Remembered

The Word Shakes

The Mind’s Blunder

The Wise Will Know

To Know, To Understand

Heaven’s Victory

God’s Same Plan

All Nations Judged

The Fire Grows

The Antichrist and Satan

The False Prophet In Tow

The Believer Comforted

Hope, Peace Joy

Holiness Remembering

His Soon Return

The Snatch

The Rescue

Seized To Safety

Wrath Due

The Preserved Imminency

Date Then Unknown

The Promised Eminency

We Watch Forlorned

Pressing In

Not Running From

At Moment Return

Holiness Abounds

Only The Devil

Cherishes Chaos

Destoying Hope

Holiness Joy For Us

Robert William Kelly