The Wave Today

The Wave Today
Photo by Kammeran Gonzalez-Keola

Living And Active

We All Want To Be

Never Defeated Or Dull

Life Infinity

Sharp As A Sword

Our Minds Today

We Think Of How

We Can Stay This Way

A Dull Life Occurs

When We Neglect To See

God’s Creation 

For Us – So Free

To Help Us Consider

He May Be Real

Creation Stands

The Opening Appeal

The Bible – Mild Interest

Finally Reconsider

Maybe The Message

I Need To Splinter

Dig In Myself

See What To Find

Eternal Life Today

True Diamond Mind

The Pearl Of Great Price

The Brass Ring Dropped

Why Not Pursue Something

Consider Great Cost

Jesus The Word

He Tells Us Truth

Says “I Am The Way

We Believe, Live – Hoot!

Real Living Now

We Laugh In Amazement

For God Is Savior

Hell, A Repavement

Streets Of Gold

A Mansion Created

With You In Mind

Heaven’s Door Waiting

Abundant Life

The Joy Your Strength

From God His Gift

Your Faith Wavelength

rKw Jr 23.06.21

Robert Kelly b 1965 –

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