The Void of Goodness

The Void of Goodness

Goodness Strikes Out

We Fail To Teach

People About God

The Lessons Mislead

Being Nice Is Nice

Yet Is That All Today?

We Needs To Know

God’s Full Display

He Died For Us

Since We Are Sinners

We Are Still Wracked

The Wicked Conditions

We Are Capable

It’s Our Very Nature

To Sin And Lie

Our Tongue’s Crater

Destroying Our Life

Sin Hems And Stems

Creating Chaos

We Need Just Him

He Is Our Advocate

He Is Our Friend

He Lives In Us

Niceness Begins

We Don’t Get Saved

Due To Our Goodness

Yet That’s What Folks

Are Counting As Redress

Filthy Rags – 

Clothed As Such

They Cannot Satisfy

God The Good Judge

He Must Judge

As Righteous And Holy

Only When We Have

Jesus As Our Only

The One Means Of Grace

The One Means of Valor

He Covers Our Sin

His Stripes Our Glamour

We Have Victory

By Faith We Stand

Not In Our Goodness

But In His Plan

Understanding The Gospel

It’s Good News

Know He Accomplished

Heaven For You

Thereby Guaranteed

Heaven Your Destiny

All For A Spiritual Birth

The Only Must – Agree?

Being Nice Is Nice

Yet It Never Can Save

Our Souls Need God

Fulfilled Today

rKw Jr 22.08.21

Robert Kelly Born 1965

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