The Unknown Cosmic Muffle

The Unknown Cosmic Muffle
Photo by Kei Scampa

The Days Are Here

The Time Short

One Tinder Box

The Earth Is Worth

Worthy Is God

To Be Worshipped 

Our Praise Not Lost

He Deserves It

Acknowledge God Now

The Day Of Salvation

Free For One To Discover

New Heart Creation

Lost In Translation

The Gospel Message

Despite So Popular

The World Hasn’t Read It

We Twist And Retort

The Simple Message Needed

Salvation Free No Cost

Why Do We Exceed It?

Repentance To Clean Up

We Just Need To Do

The Word Is Dirty

It’s Totally Misused

A Stumbling Block

The Word Torched

The New Meaning Now

Hell Does Court

No One Ever

Can Or May Know

How Clean They Need

To Be In The Show

Where Does It Start ?

Where Does It End ?

Living Your Life In Specs

Searching With A Lense

I’m Never Perfect

I Can Never Be

The Man Whose Life

Is Examined Ungracefully

It Is Grace!

That Mercifully Saves

Forgiven In A Moment

By Faith All The Way

Sanctification Starts

The Growing Process

Where We Take Cross Up

Follow Or Deny In Focus

So Emphasis Must Be

The Place Of Gospel Heard

Listen And Believe

Why Make It Absurd?

Are We Afraid Of God?

Are We Lazy To Study?

The Gospel Salvation Phases

Why Do We Hurry?

Why Do We Accept ?

One Message Easy

Then Change It Later

Makes Us All So Quesy

Justification First

Then Life Long Sanctification

Followed By The Best

Your Wonderful Glorification

rKw Jr 30.05.21

Robert Kelly Poet b 1965

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