The Truth Of Hope

The Truth Of Hope

Hope, A Dream

Is It Real?

Can We Escape

All We Fear

Death’s Door

May Open Quick

All Our Visions

Are Now Subject

The Curse Reigns

The Life Mortal

Time Assuaged

Closing Portal

Be Prepared

Be Aware

Read And Respond

To God’s Care

Idols Chase

Pride Colludes

Lust Denigrates

Our Soul’s Food

Taught To Skip

Trained So Well

Biblical Insight

Stays On Shelf

Believed By Many

Scholars Amidst

Some Even Say

The Rapture Is Fit

With A Voice

We Will Be Together

With Him Coming

Hope For The Brethren

The Bible Testifies

The Word Divine

How Do We Dismiss?

No Education Fine

Why Not Endeavor

To See Truth?

Experiences Together

Emerging Roots

The Trouble

The Mistakes

The Shame

All Speak Great

Bringing Closer

The Sifting Life

All Things Weighed

Clearly New Sight

A Second Look

Rethinking Again

The Bible Rescue

Grace Our Friend

The Message At First

Seemed To Be Discouraging

Others Distort

Obfuscate Promises

Even Today Churches

Stand In Confusion

Destroying The Gospel

By Adding An Illusion

Just Believe And Live

Forever In Him

Today The Salvation

Cross Over And Win

rKw Jr 19.03.22

Robert Kelly

b 1965

A Christian Poet

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