The Transferable Peace

The Transferable Peace

The Serenity 

The Coping

The Advancing

The Life Hoping

The Chaos


Seen In Minds

All About

The Fruit Of Madness

Echoing, Cascading

Gripping The Senses

Distorting, Masquerading

The Atmosphere Harangued

Triggered By Default

What Has Overtaken

Truths For Thoughts

Gods In Making

The Idols Howl

Pleasing Impossible

Chasing Foul

We Fill The Heart

And Crave For More

The Frenzied Element

Unavoidable At First

With God And Peace

The Backdrop Softens

Sovereign Joy

Becomes Our Weapon

You Can Function

Rule And Reign

Overcome, Triumph

Conquering Shame

Leading And Guiding

God Is The Shepherd

Wisdom The Friend

Freedom The Lesson

rKw Jr 26.03.22

Robert Kelly

b 1965

A Christian Poet

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