The Tipping Point

The Tipping Point


The Key Ingredient

The Day Fades

The Hour Expedient

Plan To Work

Work The Plan

The Days Are Evil

Redeem The Damned


The Professional Knows

How To Work

And Then Go Slow

Time As A Hare

Bustling Around

The Turtle Never Stops

Wins The Race Somehow

The Clock Moves

We Try To Beat It

Playing The Game

Objectives Depleted

Father Time

Mother Earth

All Subdued

By His Mirth

God Laughs

As Men Revolt

Armies Roar

God Showboats

He Is He

He Always Existed

We Need

To See What’s Resisted

God Above

Here Below

On The Cross

Vacated For Show

To Make A Victory

To Win The World

To Save Those

Who Believe His Word

Believe And Be Saved

How Hard To Ask

Just Assent A Moment

Live Forever And Laugh

rKw Jr 27.01.22

Robert Kelly

b 1965

A Christian Poet

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