The Tide Turn

The Tide Turn

Crests of Waves

Crash Down

One Large 

Another Round

Absorb The Blows

The Feeling Comes

No End In Sight

The Waves Surround

Pushed To The Brink

The Seasonal Siege

On The Edge

We Cannot Breath

Heatwave Fierce

The Air Heavy

Hazy The View

All Humidity

Each Season Pushes

Our Lives To Limit

We Start To Give Up

Yet Nature Relents

He Is The Reason

He Creates The World

All to Show Us

He Is The Word

Troubles Surround

They Never End

Wave After Wave

Yet He Is Our Friend

He Will Never Give You

What You Cannot Bear

He Leads You Through

The Life’s Veil of Tears

The Point of Sorrow

No Mercy – Wits End

No Hope Continuing

Our Strength Now Him

The Good Shepherd

Knows We Are Blind

We Fall For Tricks

Off A Cliff We Drive

The Life We Throttle

Hold On So Tight

Yet Let Go Enough

For God Is Forthright

He Leads And Guides

Our Paths Are Determined

He Is There Amidst

Our Harsh, Bitter Turmoil

The Tide Turns

The Siege Ends

Time Heals

God Is My Friend

So If You Find God

In Your Struggles

You May Thank Later

For All The Trouble

rKw Jr 12.08.21

Robert Kelly

b. 1965

A Christian Poet

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