The Tasty Divine Treat

The Tasty Divine Treat

The Favor Divine

A Flavor Of Grace

All His For Mine

The Savior’s Fate

He Came To Suffer

Pay For Mankind

All The Sin

Fallen In Time

We Inherited Death

The Sting Final

Adam Fell

We Are Tribal

All From Adam

The Same Tragedy

Befalls Everyone

All Sin Of Tree

The Apple Forbidden

But Adam Shared

With Eve 

All Eyes Care

Out Of Eden

The Creation Cursed

Death The Penalty

Universe To Traverse

Jesus Came

As Predictably Written

The Old Testament

Highlights His Living

Birth in Bethelehem

Micah Forecast

Out Of Egypt

Hosea At Last

Prognosticating Isaiah

Foretold Again

Galilee the Place

A Light For Him

Grace The New Deal

Superceding the Law

Believe By The Spirit

Salvation So Raw

Simple And Easy

Believe And Win

In Tribute We Decorate

All Years To Him

rKw Jr 01.11.22

Robert Kelly Age 50

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