The Stolen Gospel

The Stolen Gospel
Photo by kat wilcox

Slights Of Hand

They Seem Harmless

Yet One Degree Sends –

The Ship Way Off!

The Gospel Message

Never To Be Veiled

It Is Unconditional

Yet Confusion Appears

The Words Contorted

New Meanings Evolve

Dispensations Replaced

A Puzzle To Solve

Repent – A Word Spilled

It Just Means Rethink

But Twisted And Abused

Away From Original Greek

Faith Is Thereby Lost

When Something Added

The Wrong Definition Here

Grace Suddenly Vanishes!

Repent Distorted 

Yet So Popularly Pronounced

Changes The Gospel

Not Free To Announce

Confuse The Audience

They Miss The Message

Sounds Like The Devil

Is Happy To Press It

The Gospel Of John

The Most Evangelical

No Mention To Repent 

Is John Now Heretical?

Synoptic Gospels

There Are Three Vectored

Matthew – Luke – Mark

Kingdom” Gospel Rejected

Same Look

All Together

Similar Slant

On God’s Weather

Gospel of John


Not “Kingdom” But “Church

It’s The Personal Gospel!

No Repentance Found

In John’s Words

A Message To Believe

Your Salvation Heard

Rethinking God

That Is Part of The Gospel

Believing God Is God

True Repentance Also

Repent Is A Synonym

Of Faith And Believe

So Don’t Miss The Boat

To Heaven – By A Degree

Pure Faith Is Faith

We Need To Realize

Faith Cannot Exist

With Conditional Compromise!

Stand Up For The Gospel!

Believe and Be Saved

It’s Power Found

In Faith Right Away

The Slight Of Hand

Appears So Noble

It Seduces Many

Repent So Loaded

Trouble It Presents

When Wrongly Interpreted

Changing The Gospel

Into Something Perverted

The U Turn Around

Or Feeling Sorry

Sounds So Grand

But A Gospel Worry

A Precondition Is A Work

And Destroys Salvation

A Message Distorted

The Devils Gradation

Sanctification Comes

The Holy Spirit Works

Following God

Turning For Good

But Justificiation Is Faith

Not Of Good Deeds

Not of A Repentance

Of All Misdeeds

So Please Notice

Don’t Fall for the Trap

Or You Will Be Discouraged

Your Evangelism – Flat

For What Good News Remains

If We Heap On Unbelievers

All This Cargo

Instead of Faith’s Fever

rKw Jr 10.07.21

Robert Kelly b 1965

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