The Sprinter’s Splinter

The Sprinter’s Splinter

Channel A Friend

An Idea or Image

Gives You A Leg

Up On Competition

Distractions Mount

Chaos Supreme

The Truth Remains

Marching A Dream

Life Will End

Yet We Still Exist

Our Souls Continue

Body In Ditch

Eternally Created

A Special Moment

Few Find Heaven

Here Is An Event

A Taste of Heaven

We Do Discover

Being Alive

No Small Wonder

Yet Death Remains

The Greatest Issue

Rents Due

Bills No Tissue

Do We Fear?

Have We Been Taught?

God As A Monster

We Have No Shot

We Run, We Hide

We Clothe Ourselves

We Find Religions

To Cover Our Hells

Yet Knowing God

Is Essential

The Only Way

To Enter Heaven

Spiritually Born

A Moment Divine

The Soul Freed

Taste New Wine

Are We Missing?

Are We Blind?

Never To Speak

In Faith – Mine!

rKw Jr 06.12.22

Robert Kelly

A Christian Poet

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