The Soul’s Gambit

The Soul’s Gambit

Kingdom Rejected

Kingdom Come

Church Age Started

Lost But Won

Jesus Offered

Yet Rejected

Israel Wanted

Political Connection

Political Deliverance

Rome The Oppressor

Ignoring Kingdom

Moral – Spiritual Connector

Predicted In Time

For All To See

The Messiah Cut Off

The End Still Beamed

The Church Age Commenced

The Gospel Pronounced

Israel To Wait

The Tribulation To Count

One Remaining Seven

Suspended In Time

When Gentiles Fulfilled

Israel Will Find

The Time Of Jacob’s Trial

Half The World Left

After The Church Vanishes

The Mystery Spent

God Is Sovereign 

He Has Displayed To Man

All Things Til’ The End

Yet We See No Plan

Blind We Are 

We Ignore The Bible

Dismissing Prophecies Past

Fulfilled With Honor

The Ignorant State

Yet We Thrive On Knowledge

We Are Beyond Stupid

Educational Hogwash

How Smart We Are?

We Toy And Play

Using Technology

Yet Never Seeing The Day

The Rapture First

The Tribulation Next

All Will Surrender

False Christ’s Gambit

Receiving The Mark

Believe The Delusion

The Only Chance

Death’s Immersion

Accept or Die

The Mark of Beast

Believe Right Now

Escape The Heat

Jesus Rescues

Coming For The Righteous

Though Sinners

By Faith, Redemption

Whenever God Poured

His Wrath on Man

Lot or Noah – The Right

Removed From Harm

Likewise Today

There Is Still Time

Today The Day

Salvation Prime

rKw Jr 023.11.22

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