The Soul Preserver

The Soul Preserver
Photo by Andrew Neel

A Cough, A Window

To Mortality

The Day Ends

Such Brevity

Both Show 

And Suggest

Life Is Not

What We Bless

We Can Not

Name It And Claim

The Time Is Short

The Life No Game

It’s Not About

Collecting It All

Fun – Laughs – Money

Evaporating Now

We Need More

We Need It Now

We See Our Life

Cascading The Falls

Do We Ignore?

We Often Do

The Warning Signs

Everywhere For You

Life Preserver

The Need Desperate

Once Acknowledged

The Remedy Respite

Jesus We See

And Look Again

All Of A Sudden

A Needed Friend

Rethinking Him

Always The Answer

Spiritual Birth

A Quickening Faster

The Moment We Do

We Are Born Again

Believing Him Now 

Our Lost Friend 

rKw Jr 08.07.21

Robert Kelly b 1965

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