The Sleeper Agent

The Sleeper Agent

Sleep, A Message

A Simple Reminder

It Happens Frequently

A Daily Spellbinder

Why Do We Sleep?

Is It A Chore?

Do We Need Less?

Or Do We Need More?

Heaven Beckons

A Shadow On Earth

Sleep’s Barometer

The Resurrection First

We Die

The Seed Goes

The Birth Occurs

Glory Resumes

Banished From Eden

Alone And Naked

Lost In The World

All But Forsaken

God Is Here

He Keeps Accounts

He Knows All – Where

Alive To Final Dismount

And Let’s Not Miss

The Trip Of The Master

Awaken To Glory

Avoiding Disaster

So Go To Bed

Remember To Pray

Give Thanks For Once

For Sleeping Today

rKw Jr 20.09.21

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