The Slandered Quo

The Slandered Quo
Photo by Pixabay

Saints Present

All Around

Any Believer

Is So Found

The Bible Slandered

Many Ways

Before We Decide

To Read Today

Thousands Of Imprints

On Our Minds

Outweigh The Imprints

Of His Kind 

God Has Spoken

It Is Written

Authoritative Word

What Are You Missing?

Life Perhaps?

The Word Is Life

Assurance You Ask?

Guaranteed Next Life

Saints We Are

Can It Be So?

Most Ignored Fact

Of Slandered Quo

The Bible Is What

The Who And Where

It’s The Only Truth

But We Never Dare

Take A Moment

Remove Your Veil

See God’s Arms

Open To Your Care

Gems Found

A Miner’s Mine

Dig For Gold

Hope You’ll Find

We Are Free

We Are Saints

We Are Reconciled

From Hell’s Ranks

Few Do Find

So Walk Close

See If God

Will Save Your Soul

rKw Jr 08.06.21

Robert Kelly Poet b 1965

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