The Silent Tuba

The Silent Tuba

Who Spends A Day

At A Friend’s Flat

Who Gives Them Time

Without Something Back?

We Love So Much

It Piques Our Fancy

Anything Breathing

We Feel Like Dancing

The Best Of The Best

We Also Praise

Amazing Achievements

We Give Way

The Human Pinnacles

Draw All Attention

They Plow The World

With Glorious Intentions

We Compare, Contrast

Our Budding Life

We Channel Ourselves

To Make It Right

We Fail To See

Truth Isn’t Pleasant

Those Who Succeed

Are One in A Million

Does That Mean

Your Life Is A Fade?

Does That Mean 

We Can’t Live Today?

The Love You Give

Needs To Be Received

And Returned In Fact

By The Eternal Deity

Giving And Receiving

Receiving And Giving

Love’s Hallmark

Is A Dynamic Leading

Both Sides Doubled

With Abundant Love

The Dynamic Tandem

Tethering Child To God

Love Is Real 

Love Is God

We Have Concealed

Our Need Of His Hugs

Shout To The World

He Is Worthy

It Is Not A Crime

To Praise Him Earthling

The Only Love

The Only Object

Willing To Love

Double Reset

Why Worship?

Why Love?

If Not Reverb,

The Silent Tuba!

rKw Jr 28.09.21

Robert Kelly b 1965

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