The Selfish Guide To Heaven

The Selfish Guide To Heaven
Photo by cottonbro

The Selfish Soul

He Lives For One

He Cares About

His Home Of Fun

Everything Created

Just For That

He Winks At Future

Tipping His Hat

Fill The Bucket

Before He Kicks


With Stuff Sticked

Life Endured

He Wins And Loses

An Eye Opened

For All Boozing

Friend For A Moment

It Has Passed

Info Obtained

He Never Lasts

We All Exist

In Some Way

To Keep Self

Alive Someway

Yet God Remains

Open For All

If We Were Selfish

We’d Run Or Crawl

He Gives Free

What Is Needed

Salvation No Cost

Heaven Receding

The Blood Spilt

His Body Slayed

Not A Bone Crushed

All Was Paid

So Ironic It Is

The Selfish Soul

Should Love Jesus

The Deal Is Gold

He Is The One

To Live For

Even There 

At Death’s Door

But Enjoy Him Now

Adventure In Store

At Your Side

Angels Forevermore

rKw Jr 28.05.21

Robert Kelly b 1965

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