The Secret Victory

The Secret Victory


Found In He

Joy The Same



A Merciful Act

Justified Freely

Stripes Built Back 

The Sovereignty

Brings Much Peace

The Secret Joy

Contentment Keeps

He Is Above

All Things Here

Work Out For Good

For God’s Cheer

Praise Him

He Is Worthy

He Gives Life

Freely In His Story

Read The Bible

Get Acquainted

The Powers And People

Hide It’s Plainness

God Is Love

We Are All The Same

Fallen Race In Need

Hidden From Blame

But We Are At Fault

We Are On The Hook

Adam’s Inheritance

The Wind We Book

Yet The Second Adam

Jesus Far Greater

Redeems Us All

By Faith We Crater

We Stand And Shake

We Worship And Love

We Care And Await

The Savior From Above

Man Will Suppress

Rockefeller A Hater

All To Compress

Man Into A Blender

Yet It Is For Freedom

Christ Sets Us Free

Salvation The Gift

Keeps Giving In Glee

Exciting Our Lives

Giving Us Hope

Providing Eternal Life

Sovereignty’s Scope

rKw Jr 18.10.21

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