The Secret Age

The Secret Age

We Age And Think

Life Is Past 

But One Can Still

Make A Difference Last

Speak And Tell

In This Darkness

Tell Others 

About God’s Promises

The Bible Is Concealed

From Adult Population

But As We Age

Speak The Education

Learning Is A Waste

All Money Lost

If One Doesn’t Find

God At Any Cost

Life Arcs

It Bends And Spills

The Aging Grace

All But Thrills

Yet There Is Hope

A Duty To Behold

God Saves Today

For A Secret Told

The Height Of Life

The Discovery Found

Golden Heights

Within Words, Sound

The Bible Stands

The Words Shout

Telling Us Now

Believe And Mouth

Say And Proclaim

Worship Today

Praise The Lord

The Life Eternally

The Soul Lives On

The Body Fades

There Is Life Beyond

A Dusty Old Grave

Paradise Found

In The Words Of Him

Salvation Given

Handed Out Then

Believe Today

Cross Over To Life

These Words Comfort

Darkness To Light

rKw Jr 23.12.21

Robert Kelly b 1965

A Christian Poet

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