Saturday’s Poem: The Safety Session

Saturday’s Poem:  The Safety Session

A Session With God

It’s Time Well Spent

Do You Have A Moment ?

You Won’t Regret

The Bible Is Near

It Opens Easily

Don’t Make The Mistake

It’s Not Bad History

There Is Good News

In It You’ll Find

We Are Not Condemned

Because God Is Sublime

He Did It All 

He Bled On A Cross

He Fulfilled The Prophecies

Rose From The Moss

The Son Did Rise

He Is The Resurrection 

As The Sun Rises

You Will Be Perfected

Mortal To Immortal

Man Will Evolve

In A Flash, In An Instant

Creationism Solves

The Session In Time 

It Is Almost Over

The Session With Him

One Prayer – True Lover

The Lover Of Our Souls

What Is Your Worth ?

If One Soul Is Saved Today

It’s Greater Than The Earth

rKw jr 27.03.21

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