The Rushing, Tilted Whirl

The Rushing, Tilted Whirl

The Moment Turns

The Day Spins

All Was Good

Then It Happens

A Trial Heightened

A Deal Broken

A Friend Mistrusted

The Gasp Shooking

The Mind Races

Contemplates And Turns

The Calibration Spins

The Wiring Burns

Sensations Cascading

The Injustice Surrounds

The Decisions Now Present

Stay or Run

The Fever Heating

The Blood Boiling

The Emotions Raging

The Burden Yearning

Yearning For Justice

Hoping For Peace

Ends In Frustration

Many Times A Fleece

Life Has Times

Where Things Go Awry

The Lesson To Learn

Feel The Pain and Cry

Amends to Make

Reports To File

The Time Will Pass

But Should You Retile?

The Curse Is Certain

Anomalies Appear

They Can Threaten All

Don’t Reinvent the Wheel

Over Regulation

Over Correction

Over Acting

More Often Regrets

It Comes To Pass

The Time May Be Long

The Anguish And Remorse

We Deal You A Song

Write What You’ve Learned

Let It Inspire

The Weakness You’ve Found

Can Soar You Higher

To Fight For Justice

In A Fallen World

Is Occasionally Not

The Best Road Turned

Accept Move On

Don’t Divide Into Groups

Don’t Let Evil

Drive You In Loops

Accept the Facts

As So Provided

God Is Here

He Is So Excited

He Has Redeemed

People To Himself

They Have Comfort

But Before Had Doubts

Slander and Oppressed

Even By Religious

They Wear A New Dress

At An Address Prestigious

rKw Jr 25.09.21

Robert Kelly b 1965

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