The Ruling Justice

The Ruling Justice
Copyright: vladischern

The Fight

The Desire

To Remedy

Our Deniers

Powers At Be

Must Take Measures

To Silence All

Truth Soothsayers

Future Events

The Bible Displays

Most Hide

Fearing The Day

The Mind Stays

Lost In Love

Love Of Self

Not Seeing Above

Justice The Fight

Armed With Flesh

Will Never Be

The Item Wished

Supernatural Events

Will Suddenly Occur

As Predicted In Time

The Remedy Stirred

Hope Seems Far

Yet It’s So Close

An Assent Away

Our Lives Boast

Boast In Him

Making Peace

Justice and Mercy

Will Overcome The Beast

The Whole World

Under The Sway

Will Finally See

The Justice Day

rKw Jr 14.11.22

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