The Roe V. Wade Deathbed Confession

The Roe V. Wade Deathbed Confession

The Guttural Admission

Finally Came Along

A Mouthful

Singing A Sad Song

Severely Harsh

Hard to Digest

Nathanson’s Tell

Deathbed Confession

Somberly Regret

Remorse And Anguish

Realizing His Life

As Figurehead Meaningless

He Was The Fauci

Of Abortion Rights

The Go To Voice

His Acumen Out of Sight

Yet Years Later

He Admitted The Lie

All To Create

Lucrative Careers On The Fly

They Lied To Congress

What They Knew Was A Fact

Saying A Life Is Not A Life

At Conception To Stack

Stack The Cards

Create A Pretense

Get Rich Quick

At Expense Of The Weakest

Parents And Babies

Vulnerable And Needy

Destroyed To Enhance

The Life Of The Greedy

He Killed 75,000

At Largest Clinic Around

The Western Hemisphere

He Was On The Ground

Now Saying Roe

Was Greatest Mistake

In America’s History

Beyond Slavery’s Take

Getting Rich 

Off The Weakest

The Type of Capitalism

All Hate – The Bleakest

Yet This Is The Plank

Of Deathocrats Today

Their Longest Standing Issue

They Support  ALL THE WAY

Fired Up With Passion

Yet Do They Even Know?

The Choice They Desire

Is Only One Bestowed

The Don’t Care About Choice

For They Wish Not

Choosing School For Child

Or Weapon To Protect

Personal Choice Is A Scam

To Fool the Lemmings

Who Are Fired Up And Rubbed

By Demonic Stemmings

Each Reaching Out

To Deceive And Destroy

A Skin Of Truth

Stuffed With Aborted Girls and Boys

Educationally Trained

Enough To Be Easily Fooled

Not Able To Read

Without What’s Spooned

America Will Fall

Due To It’s Neglect

Not Protecting The Weakest

Home of The Ignorant

rKw Jr 12.01.22

Robert Kelly

b. 1965

A Christian Poet

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