The Risk of Self Deception

man and woman playing tug of war
Photo by RODNAE Productions on

When We Lie

The Native Tongue

A Drop of the Hat

The Habit It Becomes

Stretch the Truth

Exaggerate A Bit

Tell A White Lie

It’s Just A Fib

Self Deception

Even Bigger

We See Ourselves

As Honestly Triggered

We Don’t See

Our Trips and Falls

Believing Lies

And Selling All

We Get Fooled 

We Get Punked

We Get Pawned 

We Get Trunked

The World Tricks

The World Lies

Truth – Here Look !

Covers Blue Sky

We Are Abused

We Are Slandered

Left For Nothing

A Road Meandered

Used By Others

To Get Wealth

Even Teachers

Sold Us Out

In The End

We End Up Dead

The Lies Useful

Hell Lead

But We Can Rise

We Can Explore

We Can Expose

The “Truth” of Yore

See The Game

Is Played Today

For We Are Just

Another Name

Deception Over

Selfish Ambition

We See Self Useless

Wait ! A Partition

Lies Defeated

Heaven Opened

Christ Death Tore

The Curtain Robe

Our Veils Off

We Are Naked

Yet Covered By

His Son Forsaken

Still Sinners

We Always Are

Yet In Him

Absolved In Love

God Is Love

He Is Truth

We Try To Hide

From His Look

Nature Fallen

The Lies Live

But In Our State

God Forgives

Though We Lie

Though We Sin

Covered By Grace

God’s Mercies Bin

Never Wake Up

Never See Yourself

So Far Away From God

Is Sad Way To Adjust

So Yes We Lie

It’s Part of Fallen Nature

Yet About God And Self

The Evil Hallucination

rKw Jr 01.05.21

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